Hypnotherapy CPD Courses
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses are suitable for qualified hypnotherapists, psychologists, NLP practitioners, coaches and other professionals conversant with applied clinical hypnosis.
- All the CPD courses are offered in online format, The course material is comprehensive, with an assignment at the end of the notes. There is no accompanying webinar or video.
- The time allowed for completion of each CPD course is one year, including submission of the assignment, in order to receive an e-certificate. The exception is the Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy for which the maximum duration for completion is eighteen months.
- Please enrol on a course only if it has not already been covered in your practitioner level course. There is no refund for an online course, as the notes remain on the hard drive of your computer and can be accessed at any time.
- Email support is available for the duration of each course and three months after completion.
- I have over 25 years' experience as a practising clinical hypnotherapist and over 15 years' experience as a hypnotherapy trainer.
- I am available to teach CPD courses to groups of hypnotherapists.
Special Offer
Students enrolling on two CPD courses at the same time, each costing £130, pay half price for one of the courses - paying £195 instead of £260. If they enrol on two courses priced differently, £50 is deducted from the cheaper of the two courses.
List of CPD courses
Mindful Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is an excellent adjunctive therapy. Mindfulness-based hypnotherapy helps to reinforce the benefits of mindfulness; quietens and clarifies the mind; helps focus attention and in doing so makes mindfulness-practice via self-hypnosis more powerful and effective.
With the advantage of being time-effective and easy to use, this could be a valuable option for treating anxiety and stress associated with a range of issues.
This CPD course is suitable for qualified hypnotherapists. Prior knowledge of mindfulness practice is not required.
Topics covered:
- Meaning of mindfulness
- Origin and history of mindfulness
- Benefits of mindfulness practice
- Mindfulness practice in the West
- Attitude and qualities required for mindfulness practice
- Cultivating mindfulness
- Connection between mindfulness and hypnosis
- Strengths and advantages of hypnosis that facilitate integration
- Research information
- Framework for an integrated model of mindful hypnotherapy: 8-week mindful-hypnotherapy treatment protocol
- Mindful hypnotherapy for elderly clients
- Applications of mindful hypnotherapy: stress, anxiety, depression (non-clinical), chronic pain, weight management, sleep
- Scripts
- Case studies
- Assignment
Course fee: £160 CPD hours: 10
Or £180 for an additional (optional) 2-hour online tuition via Skype between 6pm – 8pm every Saturday commencing 27 April.
Cognitive Hypnotherapy for OCD
Cognitive hypnotherapy integrates Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy, making it a powerful and highly effective intervention for a range of emotional disorders, including OCD.
The aim of this CPD course is to augment the knowledge-base of hypnotherapists and cognitive behavioural therapists familiar with applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- History and development of CBT
- The fundamentals of CBT
- The ABC Model
- Recognising faulty thinking
- Developing more healthy and positive ways of thinking patterns
- Goal-directed thinking
- Defining Problems and Setting Goals
- Exploring emotions
- Defining emotional problems
- Identifying solutions and behaviours that maintain problems
- Setting goals in relation to current problems
- Integration of CBT and Hypnotherapy
- Strengths and advantages of hypnosis that facilitate integration
- Framework for an integrated model of cognitive hypnotherapy
- Application: Overcoming obsessions - understanding obsessions, preoccupations and compulsions; understanding OCD; recognising health anxiety; identifying unhelpful behaviours; trusting your judgement; facing your fears
- Scripts
- Assignment
Fee: £140 CPD hours: 8.5
Cognitive Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Cognitive hypnotherapy integrates Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy, making it a powerful and highly effective intervention for a range of emotional disorders, including anxiety and panic attacks.
This CPD course is aimed at hypnotherapists and cognitive behavioural therapists familiar with applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- History and development of CBT
- The fundamentals of CBT
- The ABC Model
- Recognising faulty thinking
- Developing more healthy and positive ways of thinking patterns
- Goal-directed thinking
- Defining Problems and Setting Goals
- Exploring emotions
- Defining emotional problems
- Identifying solutions and behaviours that maintain problems
- Setting goals in relation to current problems
- Integration of CBT and Hypnotherapy
- Strengths and advantages of hypnosis that facilitate integration
- Framework for an integrated model of cognitive hypnotherapy
- Application: Anxiety and panic attacks - low frustration tolerance (LFT); thought monitoring form; understanding anxiety; state and trait anxiety, anxiety disorders, free-floating anxiety; Socratic questioning; panic attacks
- Scripts and inductions
- Assignment
Fee: £140 CPD hours: 8.5
Cognitive Hypnotherapy
Cognitive hypnotherapy integrates Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy, making it a powerful and highly effective intervention for a range of emotional disorders.
This CPD course is suitable for qualified hypnotherapists and other professional therapists qualified in applied hypnosis, who may wish to include this integrated approach in their practice.
Topics covered:
- History and development of CBT
- The fundamentals of CBT
- The ABC Model
- Recognising faulty thinking
- Developing more healthy and positive ways of thinking patterns
- Goal-directed thinking
- Defining Problems and Setting Goals
- Exploring emotions
- Defining emotional problems
- Identifying solutions
- Setting goals in relation to current problems
- Understanding Low Frustration Tolerance (LFT)
- Challenging that create LFT
- Defining Problems and Setting Goals
- Integration of CBT and Hypnotherapy
- Perceived barriers to the integration of CBT and therapeutic hypnosis
- Strengths and advantages of hypnosis that facilitate integration
- Framework for an integrated model of cognitive hypnotherapy
- Applications: Anxiety and anger; overcoming obsessions; improving self-esteem; psychosexual disorders (ED & Vaginismus)
Fee: £160 CPD hours: 10
Conversational Hypnosis
Conversational hypnosis, sometimes referred to as "covert" hypnosis or hypnosis without trance aims to elicit change in the subject's behaviour without the latter going through a formal trance induction. Since the communication takes place in a conversational manner, the technique, similar to indirect hypnosis, is called "conversational" hypnosis.
This technique is particularly useful for managing pain and anxiety, and is sometimes used by dentists. It can also be employed by sports coaches when working with athletes and sportsmen and women. In non-therapeutic settings, examples of conversational or covert hypnosis can be found in TV commercials and other forms of marketing.
Conversational hypnosis can also be used as a self-hypnosis technique.
Topics covered:
- Definition
- Conversational self-hypnosis
- Benefits of conversational hypnosis
- Examples from non-therapeutic settings
- The technique
- Applications - management of pain and anxiety; sports coaching
- Inductions and scripts
- Research into conversational hypnosis
- Waking hypnosis
- Assignment
ee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypno-coaching for Fertility
Reproductive challenges and fertility problems can have their origin in a number of issues including physical, emotional and psychological imbalance. The consequences can be stressful and distressing.
Hypno-coaching is a combination of hypnosis and coaching, working at the subconscious and conscious levels of the client’s mind, making it a highly effective therapeutic modality applied in conjunction with medical intervention.
This course is aimed at practising hypnotherapists, life coaches and other therapists who wish to adopt a mind-body approach to address the problem of infertility.
Topics covered:
- Meaning and causes of infertility
- Psychological impact of infertility
- The hypno-coaching model
- Goal-setting
- Identifying problems and issues
- Effective use of imagery
- Psychological preparation for pregnancy
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Cancer Patients
There is growing evidence that hypnotherapy is proving to be an effective adjunctive therapeutic modality in the overall care of cancer patients. This is particularly relevant for issues such as anxiety, confidence, problems with eating and sleeping.
The aim of the workshop is to give the practising hypnotherapist sufficient understanding of the psychological and physical symptoms and the role played by emotions in order to be able to apply hypnotherapy to improve the individual’s quality of life.
Topics covered:
- Research into the application of hypnotherapy for certain types of cancers
- The mind-body connection
- Assessing the individual’s needs and commencing therapeutic intervention
- Teaching the individual self-hypnosis to continue the self-care process
- Applications
- Case study
- Scripts
- Assignment
Note: This CPD course does not address the illness (that is the domain of conventional medicine); its aim is to help the individual with the psychological issues arising from the disease.
Course Fee: £130 CPD Hours: 8
Hypno-coaching is a combination of the disciplines of hypnosis and life-coaching. Working at both the conscious and subconscious levels, hypno-coaching utilises the deep penetrating power of hypnosis along with the traditional principles of coaching to accelerate the process of goal-achievement, and to create deep, long-lasting positive change.
The aim of the course is to equip the therapist with sufficient knowledge, principles and techniques of life coaching to enable her or him to work confidently with clients on issues including career, relationships, goal-setting and achieving desired outcomes in their personal and professional lives.
Topics covered:
- What is life coaching
- The GROW model
- Structure of a hypno-coaching session
- The Hypno-coaching procedure within the framework of the NOS (National Occupational Standards) for Hypnotherapy, UK
- Educating the client to adopt self-care procedures
- The Wheel of Life in the context of the GROW model
- Applications: weight management, relationships, career
Fee: £160 CPD hours:10
Hypnosis can be a valuable tool throughout the entire course of pregnancy, particularly during labour and delivery. A considerable body of scientific research evidence supports this view, and today, several techniques are used, with the same ultimate effect.
The aim of this course is to broaden the knowledge and skill base of practising hypnotherapists, who can guide clients through the process before, during and after labour, if they opt for hypno-birthing, working in conjunction with a qualified health-care provider.
Topics covered:
- The role of endorphins
- Origin of hypno-birthing
- The role played by fear
- Using hypnosis to prepare the mind and body
- Breathing techniques
- Relaxation techniques
- Visualisation
- Hypnosis before, during and after labour
- Hypno-birthing sessions
- The Bradley Method
- Oster’s Model
- Sauer’s Brief Model
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypno-coaching for Cancer Patients
Hypno-coaching is a combination of the disciplines of hypnosis and life-coaching. Working at both the conscious and subconscious levels, hypno-coaching utilises the deep penetrating power of hypnosis along with the traditional principles of coaching to accelerate the process of goal-achievement, and to create deep, long-lasting positive change.
The aim of this course is to provide practising hypnotherapists, already working with, or aiming to work with cancer patients, with the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with the challenges and issues faced by these individuals.
Topics covered:
- What is life coaching
- Goals
- The GROW Model
- Structure of a hypno-coaching session
- The hypno-coaching procedure
- Educating the client to adopt self-care procedures
- Applications: change of lifestyle and occupation following diagnosis; self-image; relationships; confidence
Note: The Hypno-coaching intervention does not address the disease itself, but the lifestyle issues that result from the illness.
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypno-coaching for Psychosexual Disorders
Hypno-coaching is a combination of the disciplines of hypnosis and life coaching.
Working at both the conscious and subconscious levels, hypno-coaching utilises the deep penetrating power of hypnosis along with the traditional principles of coaching to accelerate the process of goal-achievement, and to create deep, long-lasting positive change
Sex, the most intimate and one of the most pleasurable of human experiences, can sometimes be fraught with problems. Medical intervention may address the issue and resolve it. However, if the problem is psychological, hypno-coaching may be utilised as an adjunctive therapeutic modality.
The aim of this course is to broaden the knowledge and skill base of the practising hypnotherapist, who can address such issues when working with clients faced with these problems.
Topics Covered
- What is life coaching
- The GROW model
- Requirements of the National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy
- Understanding the sexual personality
- Structure of a hypno-coaching session
- Addressing psychosexual issues through hypno-coaching:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Early ejaculation
- Delayed ejaculation
- General performance anxiety
- Low or no sexual desire in men and women
- Difficulty with lubrication
- Inorgasmia
- Vaginismus
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypno-coaching for Weight Management
Hypno-coaching is a combination of the disciplines of hypnosis and life-coaching. Working at both the conscious and subconscious levels, hypno-coaching utilises the deep penetrating power of hypnosis along with the traditional principles of coaching to accelerate the process of goal-achievement, and to create deep, long-lasting positive change.
Obesity can often be the symptom of a range of complex issues. Consequently, therapy for weight loss and/or management is often less than straightforward.
The aim of the course is to equip the therapist with sufficient knowledge of the principles and techniques of life coaching and applied hypnosis to enable her or him to work confidently with clients on the complex issue of weight loss and weight management.
Topics covered:
- Introduction to life skills coaching
- The GROW model
- Integration of coaching and hypnotherapy
- Reasons for overeating
- Exploring the client's relationship with food
- Application of the GROW model
- Visualisation
- The Swish technique
- Teaching the client self-hypnosis
- Scripts
- Case studies
- Understanding food labels
- Understanding calories, and tips for a healthy lifestyle
- Alcohol consumption - calories in alcohol
- Risks of drinking excessively
- Assignment
Fee: £160 CPD hours: 10
Hypnosis-based ACT
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a well-researched, scientific approach which enables individuals to perceive their problems in a new way, rather than trying to avoid or challenge them. Based on the principles of mindfulness, cognitive defusion and acceptance, the efficacy of ACT can be further enhanced by integrating it with hypnotherapy.
This comprehensive CPD course explains the core concepts of ACT and illustrates its integration with hypnosis to provide a powerful, deep and long-lasting beneficial change rather than simply teaching the client how to ignore or challenge their problems and issues.
The course is suitable for qualified hypnotherapists and other therapists experience in applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- Definition and meaning of ACT
- Research into the effectiveness of ACT
- Origin
- Core concepts
- Explanation of core concepts with examples
- Role of hypnosis in enhancing effectiveness of ACT
- Integration of hypnosis with ACT
- Applications: anxiety, stress, depression, chronic conditions (pain)
- Scripts
- Case study
- Assignment
Course Fee: £160 CPD hours: 10
Hypnosis for Past Life Regression
Past life regression may be described as a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe to be "memories" of past lives or incarnations, though others may regard them as fantasies. The concept of past life regression and its use as a therapy is controversial. However, it is important to remember that the therapist should keep an open mind about this and not allow his personal beliefs to colour his judgement. If a client specifically requests past life regression therapy, this CPD course will give the practising hypnotherapist the necessary skill to offer this specialisation.
Topics covered:
- Research into past life regression
- Personal beliefs
- Techniques of past life recall
- Hypnosis and past life regression
- Danger of false memories
- Stages of a hypnotherapy protocol for past life regression
- Scripts
- Case study
- Abreaction
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Asthma
Asthma attacks all age groups but often starts in childhood. It is a disease characterised by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which vary in severity and frequency from person to person. In an individual, they may occur from hour to hour and day to day.
Research has shown that hypnotherapy, in conjunction with conventional treatment, can help an asthma sufferer by teaching them relaxation and breathing techniques and ways of alleviating anxiety which often triggers an attack, as well being a symptom of an attack.
This CPD course is suitable for qualified hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners and other therapists conversant with applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- Causes and symptoms of asthma
- Conventional treatment
- Research information on hypnotherapy for asthma
- The Asthma-Hay fever connection: research on application of self-hypnosis
- Hypnotherapy treatment for asthma
- Physical and mental relaxation
- Breathing techniques
- Importance of self-hypnosis practice by client
- Case studies
- Scripts
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Addictions
A person is said to be addicted when a habit or substance makes normal life difficult or impossible, and the individual has little or no control over doing, taking or using something, to the point where it could be harmful to them.
Hypnotherapy can address the problem of addiction as a mental health issue, and can be a useful adjunct to other therapeutic intervention, including medical and psychological approaches.
This CPD course aims to enable qualified hypnotherapists and other therapists conversant with applied hypnosis to help patients and clients address emotional and psychological effects resulting from addiction. The addictions addressed are substance abuse and gambling.
It is important to note that the hypnotherapeutic approach does not purport to "cure" the addiction, and no such claims should be made.
Topics covered:
- Definition of addiction
- Addictive behaviour
- Addictive personality
- Analysis of the habit
- Research information on hypnotherapy for addiction
- Goal setting
- Changing mental approach towards the addiction
- Motivation
- Visualisation
- The Swish technique
- Change self-image and improve self-esteem
- Teaching self-hypnosis
- Applications - substance abuse, gambling
- Scripts
- Case studies
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
Anxiety is an emotion characterised by inner turmoil, feelings of tension and worry which can originate from a number of physical, emotional or psychological issues. It can disrupt normal life and can reach a point where the person may feel unable and powerless to control these unwanted thoughts and feelings.
Hypnotherapy can be an effective adjunct in the treatment of anxiety disorders, by giving the individual a set of tools and techniques which can give them back control over their unwanted emotions.
This CPD course is suitable for qualified/practising hypnotherapists and other therapists conversant with applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- Definition of anxiety
- Types of anxiety disorders - Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Free-floating Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder
- Causes and symptoms
- Exposure Therapy for anxiety disorders
- Mindfulness practice for addressing anxiety
- Hypnotherapy for anxiety
- Breathing techniques
- Physical and mental relaxation
- Visualisation
- Behavioural techniques for controlling thoughts and emotions
- Scripts
- Case studies
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Phobias
A phobia is an extreme form of fear; one which often defies logical explanation. The range of emotions accompanying a phobia can be annoying to life-disrupting.
Hypnotherapy, sometimes accompanied by other therapeutic interventions, can be effective in addressing a range of phobic responses.
This CPD course is suitable for qualified/practising hypnotherapists and other therapists conversant with applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- Definition of a phobia
- Causes
- Common types of phobia
- Symptoms
- Treatment protocols - exposure therapy, systematic desensitisation
- Hypnotherapy for phobia - systematic desensitisation under hypnosis
- Hypnotherapy/NLP - the Fast Phobia Cure
- Physical and mental relaxation
- Breathing techniques
- Visualisation
- Behavioural techniques of controlling thoughts and emotions
- Scripts
- Case studies
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Children
Hypnotherapy for children can be highly effective, and a rewarding experience if the therapist is able to understand and work with the natural curiosity and lively imagination children have, and adapt the therapy accordingly.
This CPD course is suitable for practising hypnotherapists who wish to work with children, addressing a range of issues, and for those therapists experienced in applied hypnosis who wish to explore this area of work.
Topics covered:
- Special considerations for hypnotherapeutic intervention with children
- Hypnotic susceptibility in children
- Storytelling with children – establishing the professional relationship
- Induction
- Deepening
- Therapeutic suggestions - dealing with negative feelings and ego-strengthening
- Posthypnotic suggestions
- Self-hypnosis
- Applications: anxiety, asthma, bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), eczema, pain management
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
Research suggests that hypnosis has played some part in alleviating pain for well over a century. In many instances the client or patient is taught self or auto-hypnosis by the therapist in order to manage the pain, after a few initial sessions of hetero-hypnosis. This enables the individual to have more control over his or her life and also saves time and money, particularly if the pain is chronic
Pain can be beneficial and harmful at the same time. The role of hypnosis is to control and manage pain the cause of which is known and the pain is not the subject of medical intervention.
This CPD course is aimed at practising hypnotherapists and other therapists experienced in applied hypnosis, wishing to add this specialisation to their repertoire.
Topics covered:
- Nature and types of pain
- Research into the application of hypnotherapy for pain relief
- Factors relevant to pain-management through hypnotherapy
- Strategies for alleviating pain through hypnotherapy
- Specific applications - pain associated with dentistry, obstetrics, surgery, old sports injury
- Scripts
- Case study
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for Psychosexual Disorders
Sex, the most intimate and one of the most pleasurable of human experiences, can sometimes be fraught with problems. Medical intervention may address the issue and resolve it. However, if the problem is psychological, hypnotherapy may be utilised as an adjunctive therapeutic modality.
The aim of this course is to broaden the knowledge and skill base of practising hypnotherapists, who can address such issues when working with clients faced with these problems.
Topics covered:
- Understanding the sexual personality – sexual profiling
- The role of suggestibility
- Self-hypnosis and sex – how self-hypnosis can help or hinder
- Teaching the client self-hypnosis
- Addressing sexual problems with self-hypnosis once the cause has been established
- Erectile dysfunction
- General performance anxiety
- Early ejaculation
- Delayed ejaculation
- Difficulty with lubrication
- Inorgasmia
- Vaginismus
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotic Surgery for Weight Loss
Obesity is increasingly becoming a serious problem globally, and in the West in particular. Eventually, this major problem will take its toll on the healthcare infrastructure.
The hypnotic gastric band surgery, hypnotic/virtual gastric bypass surgery and the hypnotic gastric sleeve surgery are weight loss systems that can be applied to those individuals who are deemed medically suitable for these surgical procedures, but who are unwilling or unable to undergo the operation due to other factors.
The emphasis is on the virtual gastric band and the virtual bypass procedures, although other therapeutic techniques for weight loss are included.
The course is suitable for those hypnotherapists who wish to specialise in this field and for other therapists qualified in applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- Explanation of the gastric band procedure
- Explanation of the gastric bypass procedure
- Explanation of the gastric sleeve surgery
- Understanding the client’s relationship with food
- Importance of a healthy lifestyle
- Gaining insight into the client’s thoughts, beliefs and attitudes
- Addressing issues related to obesity using a combination of therapeutic techniques
- The hypnotic/virtual gastric band surgery
- The hypnotic/virtual gastric bypass surgery
- Follow-up
Fee: £160 Study hours: 10
Parts Therapy for Inner Change
Parts therapy is an intervention that entails identifying and communicating directly with the different ‘parts’ of the subconscious mind with the aim of enabling the client to achieve a desired goal.
Parts therapy can be easily integrated into the hypnotherapeutic protocol as the trance state facilitates communication with the different parts while the risk of interference from the analytical conscious mind is reduced.
This CPD course is suitable for qualified and practising hypnotherapists and for other therapists experienced in applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- Definition and brief history of parts therapy
- Variations of parts therapy (e.g. ego state therapy, voice dialogue, inner-child work)
- Assessing client’s suitability for parts therapy
- Importance of therapist’s experience in age regression in parts therapy
- The Affect Bridge technique of age regression
- The parts therapy technique
- Importance of therapist’s ability to deal with abreactions during parts therapy
- The Informed Child technique
- Example: parts therapy for smoking cessation
Fee: £180 CPD hours: 12
Self-hypnosis is probably covered in every practitioner level hypnotherapy course. Yet, this aspect of hypnosis/hypnotherapy sometimes gets overlooked once the therapist becomes involved in the day-to-day practice of therapeutic hypnosis.
This CPD course may prove useful to the therapist for application in their own lives as well as teaching their clients self-care procedures once the therapeutic protocol comes to an end.
Topics covered:
- Who can use self-hypnosis
- Benefits and advantages of self-hypnosis
- Practical considerations
- Dealing with distractions
- Various self-hypnosis techniques
- Self-hypnosis practice for the therapist
- Teaching clients self-hypnosis
- The process of self-hypnosis
- A complete self-hypnosis session
- Overcoming barriers/resistance
Fee: £130 Study hours: 8
Sports Hypnosis
Sports psychology has been acknowledged for some time as playing a key role in the success of top athletes and sportsmen and women all over the world.
Hypnosis can be an excellent adjunct for sports psychologists and coaches, enabling individuals to improve performance quickly and maintain excellence consistently.
Sports hypnosis can be an exciting addition to the practising hypnotherapist interested in this field. It can also be a valuable additional tool for the practising sports psychologist or coach conversant with the principles of applied hypnosis.
Topics covered:
- The concept of hypnosis as mental coaching and the role of the hypnotherapist as a mental coach
- Alert/Active hypnosis
- Cornerstones of sports hypnosis – understanding the mental attitude of the athlete, dealing with negative self-talk; teaching skills based on a combination of techniques including CBT, NLP, Coaching; hetero and auto-hypnosis; regular practice through self-hypnosis
- Structure and content of a full sports hypnosis intervention (typically 4 sessions)
- Dealing with injury and pain
- Scripts
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Time Line Protocol
The way in which we mentally code the sights/pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes and smells of events and experiences in our past, present or future is known in NLP as a timeline. Each of us has a unique and individual timeline. The way in which we internally represent time has an effect on our lives, not just in the present, but the past and future as well.
The aim of this CPD course is to enable the student to understand the concept of time line, discover their timeline and apply it in their own lives and that of their client in order to effect positive change.
Topics covered:
- Definition and meaning of a time line
- History/origin
- Types of time lines - description, examples, exercise
- Discover your time line
- Relationship between our concept of time and language
- How we manage our memories
- Beliefs, values, attitudes
- Meta programs
- Complete illustration
- Change your future with time line therapy
Fee: £130 Study hours: 8
Hypnosis in the Workplace
Increasingly, the workplace is becoming fraught with issues ranging from stress, bullying, fear of losing one’s job, to a pervading feeling of anxiety and a sense of failure. Hypnosis in the workplace can successfully address many of these issues, helping members of staff to use their inner resources to overcome challenges and even thrive on them.
The course is for practising hypnotherapists from diverse schools of thought and practice.
The aim of the course is to enable therapists to expand their practice to include the workplace and help individuals deal with some of the issues they regularly encounter in their practice, as well as some unique to a business environment.
Topics covered:
- Research into application of hypnosis in the workplace
- Mental and physical relaxation
- Workplace bullying
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Fear of public speaking and making presentations
- Relationships at work
- Working with groups
- Scripts
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Hypnotherapy for the Menopause
The menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life but has the potential to negatively impact her life physically, emotionally, psychologically and financially. Just when a woman reaches a time in her life when she has the wisdom, knowledge and experience to make a meaningful contribution to the workplace and to society, she is often made to feel like an outsider.
The aim of this CPD course is to enable qualified hypnotherapists and other therapists conversant in applied hypnosis to help a significant percentage of the female population alleviate some of the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms of the menopause so that they can regain their valued place in society and in the workplace.
Topics covered:
- Economic impact of the menopause on the UK economy
- What is the menopause – overview, symptoms and treatment
- Mental health problems arising from the menopause
- Research information on the role of hypnotherapy in alleviating some of the symptoms
- Hypnotherapy for hot flushes, sleep management, anxiety, stress, motivation, self-esteem and confidence, depression (non-clinical)
- Behavioural techniques of self-control
- Case studies
- Assignment
Fee: £130 CPD hours: 8
Refresher Course in Hypnotherapy
The Refresher Course in Hypnotherapy is suitable for qualified hypnotherapists who may not have practised their skills for some time. The emphasis of the course is on practice rather than theory.
The course consists of a recap of the main practical elements of a practitioner level course.
Topics covered:
- Recap of inductions and deepeners
- Stages of hetero-hypnosis - preparation, induction, deepener, therapeutic suggestions, post-hypnotic suggestions, ending the session
- Teaching the client self-hypnosis
- Self-hypnosis practice for the therapist
- Motivation
- Dealing with internal and external distractions
- Working within the NOS (hypnotherapy) framework
- Establishing a practice, including practical considerations, e.g. marketing, finding a suitable location, doing online therapy
- Setting SMART goals for establishing the practice
- Practising delivery of all the stages of a hypnotherapy session
- Some frequently used inductions
- Rapid inductions
Fee: £300 CPD hours: 20
Enrolment: You can download a registration form or contact us and we will email you a form.
Contact: Please use the Contact form or email us on reena.oxfschoolhyp@gmail.com or info@rewire-your-mind.com
